Tag - droewors

Bring on Sunshine!

Howzit Oaks! Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the start of spring! We've just got back from a cheeky weekend away in Malta! This is us watching the rugby - Malta vs Cyprus. Surrounding ourselves with the beautiful blue seas of the Mediterranean and soaking up the rays has given...


Biltong & Droewors Monthly Subscriptions & Bulk Pack

Exciting news everyone! We now have biltong and droewors subscriptions and a bulk pack available on our website.   Our new subscriptions and bulk pack include:   1kg Billies Bulk Pack - https://billiesandtong.com/product/bulkpack/   Billies Treat Subscription - https://billiesandtong.com/product/billies-treat-subsciption/   Biltong Stick Subscription - https://billiesandtong.com/product/biltong-stick-subscription/   This has been in the pipeline for a while... We are so excited to...


Monday Thoughts

So this is Gerry & I. Bright-eyed & bushy-tailed quite literally right now! But this is us everyone... we aren't a massive company, we are a small, growing business that takes pride in its products & services. We often get told how nice it is to have a quick email response...


Delivery Update 2021

If you're waiting for an order from us, please read below. Upon despatch of your order, you should receive confirmation of this via email. If it does not reach your inbox, we ask that you check your spam box. We are experiencing high demand at the moment (which is fantastic), however, due...


A 2020 Reflection

As we close our doors on 2020, it's time to reflect. What a year it's been for us all, one we could never expect. March came with some crazy news & our hearts began to sink. What is happening with the world? Now it's time to plan, prepare & have a rethink. We lost...


Billies & Tong – 2nd Lockdown

Firstly, we hope you are all safe & well. What a year 2020 a been for us all! We wanted to update you to let you know that we are still open & are honouring current & future orders. Christmas is fast approaching & with there being less time to...


Points To Note – COVID-19

Happy Friday everyone! We hope you've had a fantastic week! We wanted to mention a couple of points that have either been asked or mentioned to us within the past few weeks. We hope this helps our current & future customers when placing an order. ◾️ Our biltong has a...


Thank You From Gerry & Nats

Our lockdown journey officially began on Sunday the 22nd of March 2020. We were very unsure of what we would have to face in the weeks to come & so took a step back & braced ourselves. We are sitting here reflecting feeling incredibly lucky to have had the amazing...